Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Feature id not assigned when saving a list as a template

It's pretty obvious that you will use List template to create similar list as you have created earlier within your share point environment .

During the course of action of saving a list template and uploading to List template Gallery and creating list from template , you notice template name is from missing from Libraries or custom list.

So if you check List template under galleries you will also find feature id is missing for this template.

This issue occurs due to ParserEnabled property is set to false for web application 

Use power shell script to resolve this issue

$siteurl="http://Your Site name/default.aspx"
$site=new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($siteurl);
$web.ParserEnabled = $true

Remove list template and upload again and you should be able to see feature ID is associated with it .

Targeted share point version MOSS 2007

More reference here.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

How to get worker process PID and associated ID ( PID for W3WP.exe)

For troubleshooting specific application pool in server where multiple websites are running
Use following command for IIS 6.0 and Windows Server 2003

C:\WINDOWS\system32 >cscript iisapp.vbs

This command will give application pool names and respective process id.

 Using these PID’s each worker process (w3wp.exe) can be monitor under task manager . PID column is not enabled by default it can be added manually.

ProcDump tool can be used for further investigation .